hoozyu: Fundamentals

This course will prepare you to use hoozyu with young people - whether that's in one-on-one coaching or mentoring sessions, or in a group setting. It covers the data, how to interpret and apply it, plus tips for delivery and making use of resources.

As you guide young people through their hoozyu, you equip them to make better decisions for their future, to manage their own behaviours and reactions, engage their intrinsic motivators and understand how others may differ from them in motivations, behaviours & perspectives.

As you help them understand their hoozyu, they will discover 'who they are' and what that means for their life now, and for their future.

The Course

The 7 modules of this course are designed to take you from wherever you're at currently in your hoozyu journey, to the point where you can guide someone through their own data with confidence and clarity, but also with accuracy and a proper understanding of the purpose of this tool.

We start with The Basics, work our way through the different sections of the hoozyu data (Interests, Org Focus, The Grid, Careers Data) and end with some activities and Resources that you can make use of as you work with young people.

Contact us to find out more about using hoozyu with young people in your context, or sign up below to get started.

What others have said:

"Excellent course! I want to reiterate how great the hoozyu training was. Even though I've been playing with the Birkman scores for over a decade, there were some really valuable insights in your training material for me, both in working with young folks but also in general when using the full Birkman data."  (Rated 5 out of 5)

"The hoozyu training was not only solid in terms of the content preparing me for my initial consultations with students-mentees, it also clarified and reinforced the concepts from the Birkman training."  (Rated 5 out of 5)

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